15 And Natural

by Jay

So I'm 15 and I did my big chop today, November 4,2014. I was scared but I can't really tell my natural texture. I'm natural now but I'm really scared and my mom said that if I cut it that she wasn't going to help me with with it so I don't know what to do but I can feel my natural texture I just can't see it.

Like in the front, it is kinda wavy but the back feels like really tight coils. I don't know if that is possible but yeah. So people don't like the way that I cut it. I didn't cut it into a style; I just chopped off the relaxed ends and so a lot of people asked why and I told them that I'm going natural and that I want to start a movement of all natural and I want to inspire others to go natural.

P.S. I have a question. So, can I dampen my hair and seal in the moisture with just olive oil or do I have to use something else?

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Feb 03, 2015
Wow...You are Amazing
by: Eva

Going natural is a very personal and unique experience. I applaud you for doing so especially under the circumstances that you mentioned.

Please feel free to check out this site and contact me if you have questions. I'll do my best to answer them or refer you to sources or helpful youtube videos.

In regards to your question, olive oil behaves differently on each person's hair. Some naturals recommend it as an oil for the scalp, a deep conditioner or a moisturizer. See what works for you.

You may be able to wet your hair and then apply olive oil on it and have it work. It hasn't worked on my hair. However, I am experimenting with water, a little lemon juice (really little) and aloe vera gel. I really like the results so far. My kinky hair has been really soft. However, if you use it, I recommend that you wash your hair weekly since there is lemon juice in the concoction and put it in the fridge when you are finished with it.

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