I'm Terrified & Excited at the Same Time!!!!

by Asia P.

I'm doing my Big Chop tomorrow morning and I am terrified. I'm 18 years old and have been transitioning since January...so for 11 months now.

I am just over relaxers and have realized that it doesn't make sense for me to chemically alter my hair all the time to make it look a way that it is not naturally meant to be.

I originally planned to transition until May of 2015, but I can't deal with these two textures. So I decided to Big Chop. I am soooo nervous about how I will look because I have never had short hair before. And I am also really nervous about how people will respond to it, but it won't stop me. I'm excited and I'm ready to finally be 100% natural! :)

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Feb 03, 2015
Natural Feels Authentic
by: Eva

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. The journey can be daunting at times, but it is, as you mentioned, about hair as it was meant to be.

Because natural hair is so versatile, it can really be whatever we want even without a lot of manipulation.

I hope the big chop went well and that you are enjoying your curls.

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